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About Student Employment

学生就业为学生提供了宝贵的工作经验, networking opportunities with the campus and community, opportunities to expand future career choices, and much more.

Find additional information and resources, 包括学生员工手册和画布上的导师工具箱. (login required) 

Why should I consider working on campus?

学生就业为学生提供了宝贵的工作经验, networking opportunities with the campus and community, opportunities to expand future career choices and much more.

Who is eligible for student employment?

任何一学期至少修满6个学分的学生都有资格在美国就业, may apply for student employment. 所有学生都必须根据美国移民局的指导方针证明他们有资格在美国就业.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. 经济需要不是学生就业资格的一个因素.

How do I find a job?

  • 一旦有工作机会,就会在学生就业网页上发布.
  • 澳门网上博彩官方网站鼓励学生每周至少浏览两次网站以获取可用职位.
  • 澳门网上博彩官方网站将至少在三个工作日内保持发布.
  • Job postings include a job description, required qualifications, weekly hours available, wage rate and the supervisor’s contact information.
  • 学生们完成一份在线申请来申请一个职位.

When is the best time to start looking for a job?

寻找秋季职位的最佳时间是6月中旬,SOAR日期开始的时候. Jobs continue to be posted throughout the year. If you are seeking employment for the spring semester, 你可以在秋季学期的任何时候开始找工作.

Is it easy to get a job?

找校内工作的学生比学校提供的工作要多. 职位在全年有空缺时持续发布. 学生们可能需要考虑接受一份不太理想的工作,同时继续寻找更理想的职位.


  • 学生将在NEOGOV系统中完成初始电子申请. NEOGOV为未来的应用保留候选响应, 同时提供根据需要进行更改或更新响应的能力.
  • 每个地区根据自己的独特技能选择自己的学生员工, abilities and experiences relative to their position.
  • 主管可以问一些问题,帮助他们更好地了解申请人,因为它与职位有关,除了标准申请之外,还可以使用补充问题.

How many students work on campus?

There are nearly 950 student employees and 1,在秋季和春季学期提供200个学生就业岗位. 大约有250名学生雇员在夏季学期工作. 

How much money will I earn?

Most positions earn $10.30 an hour. 在秋季和春季学期,每周工作10小时的学生雇员可以赚到大约3美元,300. Students receive earnings monthly. 工作完成后一个月领取工资. Opportunities for wage increases are available through Career Pathing.

What types of jobs are available?

Students work in nearly every area on campus. One-third of the positions are office assistants. Other jobs include library assistant, desk assistant, tutor, student custodian, sports official, farm assistant, on-air announcer, lab assistant, among many others.

How many hours can I work?

Students may work a maximum of 20 hours each week. 学生雇员的平均工作时间是每周10小时.

How many student employment jobs are allowed per student?

学生可以工作的职位数量没有限制. 但是,学生每周的工作时间不得超过20个小时.

Does federal work study guarantee employment?

  • No. 联邦勤工俭学资格是指学生有资格获得联邦资金. 这些收入不被视为经济援助目的的收入. However, it is taxable income for IRS purposes. 在没有联邦勤工俭学的情况下在校工作的学生在重新申请经济援助时必须将其收入作为收入.
  • 澳门网上博彩官方网站认为,学生应该对自己的求职和申请过程负责,这是他们教育的一部分. These skills will be valuable upon graduation from college. 分配一个职位并不能帮助学生培养独立性或自我管理技能.

What is required to begin employment?

所有新员工必须填写I-9资格验证表, W-4 tax forms, 工资登记表和保密声明开始工作. I-9表格要求提交证明身份和就业资格的文件. 最常用的证明受雇资格的文件有:

  • Unexpired passport OR
  • One photo identification, such as a unexpired driver’s license, 学生证或军军证,社会保障卡原件或出生证明原件或经核证的复印件


为什么我必须出示出生证明或社会保障卡的原件? Why is a fax or a photocopy of the document not acceptable?

美国公民及移民服务局只要求查看原始文件. Although this may be an inconvenience, it is a federal law. Future employers will likewise have the same requirement.


是的,网站上公布了一些非大学的工作机会. 这些职位在社区内,但不隶属于澳门网上博彩官方网站. 校园餐厅和熊猫店也有职位空缺.

Students are successful in finding employment when they…

  • 每周至少在网站上查看两次空缺职位.
  • Talk with friends and employees about job prospects.
  • Have an audible, courteous voicemail response.
  • 及时回复电话或邮件(查看西北发出的邮件).
  • Arrive early for interviews.
  • 在与潜在雇主的任何互动中穿着得体——商务休闲装是首选, a neat appearance is crucial.
  • 表现出礼貌、专业、自我激励和自信.
  • 利用就业服务办公室的简历写作,面试和工作申请资源
  • 以自信、专业和礼貌的方式行事(不要咄咄逼人). 一些主管在一个职位上收到很多申请. Simply submitting your application may not be enough. However, contacting a supervisor every day is too much.
  • Are willing to consider various types of positions